instrumentation | flexible orchestra
date | 2023
duration | 8-12'
premiere | April 28th, 2023 by ensemble reflektor @ Esslingen, DE during PODIUM Esslingen Festival 2023
note | devour is a musical response to Juliane Liebert’s short poem f*** the universe (refrain) from PODIUM Esslingen’s Seven Last Words project. Constructed as a timeline of a small imaginary universe, the slow primordial beginning moves to an algorhythmic sense of order within ever-expanding and chaotic space, ending with a fracturing of texture into nothingness.
date | 2023
duration | 8-12'
premiere | April 28th, 2023 by ensemble reflektor @ Esslingen, DE during PODIUM Esslingen Festival 2023
note | devour is a musical response to Juliane Liebert’s short poem f*** the universe (refrain) from PODIUM Esslingen’s Seven Last Words project. Constructed as a timeline of a small imaginary universe, the slow primordial beginning moves to an algorhythmic sense of order within ever-expanding and chaotic space, ending with a fracturing of texture into nothingness.