shapes in collective space
instrumentation | any two bowed string instruments: one tuned to A=440, the other to A=415
date | 2021
duration | 5-8'
premiere | commissioned for the upcoming Sound American no. 26: the Occam Issue - available for purchase/performance
note | I think the capacity to hold multiple truths in one space (a fundamental experience of the liminal and erased) is essential to experimental / liberatory practices. I believe bending and twisting sound & notation, or communicative structures in general, is a path towards achieving a limitless/borderless/joyous (sonic) world.
This piece works to foreground the magic of changes and transformations - especially the glimpses of coalescence, where sonic relationality is established and voices converge and dance for moments or minutes. I hear regeneration in those moments, of cosmologies remade anew.
shapes in collective space was made in response to Moor Mother’s QUANTUM BLACK IN THE MOMENT & Amirtha Kidambi’s Austerity Measures. I appreciate the opportunity, thank you.
date | 2021
duration | 5-8'
premiere | commissioned for the upcoming Sound American no. 26: the Occam Issue - available for purchase/performance
note | I think the capacity to hold multiple truths in one space (a fundamental experience of the liminal and erased) is essential to experimental / liberatory practices. I believe bending and twisting sound & notation, or communicative structures in general, is a path towards achieving a limitless/borderless/joyous (sonic) world.
This piece works to foreground the magic of changes and transformations - especially the glimpses of coalescence, where sonic relationality is established and voices converge and dance for moments or minutes. I hear regeneration in those moments, of cosmologies remade anew.
shapes in collective space was made in response to Moor Mother’s QUANTUM BLACK IN THE MOMENT & Amirtha Kidambi’s Austerity Measures. I appreciate the opportunity, thank you.