To give you form and breath
instrumentation | mobile percussion trio: single setup - 2x wood, 3x flower pot, 2x non-resonating metal, 2x resonating metal, 3x glass bottle
date | 2019
duration | variable, 8'+
premiere | April 28th, 2019 by Adams State University Percussion Department; upcoming at MICF 2019 by Mizzou Percussion Department
commissioned by Adams State University Percussion Department
note: Inspired Joy Harjo’s poetry, this piece centers the nature of creation stories in relation to indigenous identity. Much of native belief and collective knowledge stem from oral traditions and the lens their provide is core to our understanding of the world and the spirits that live with us. ‘To give you form and breath’ seeks to channel portions of that understanding through ‘ground’ objects and manipulations of rhythm as manipulations of time.
date | 2019
duration | variable, 8'+
premiere | April 28th, 2019 by Adams State University Percussion Department; upcoming at MICF 2019 by Mizzou Percussion Department
commissioned by Adams State University Percussion Department
note: Inspired Joy Harjo’s poetry, this piece centers the nature of creation stories in relation to indigenous identity. Much of native belief and collective knowledge stem from oral traditions and the lens their provide is core to our understanding of the world and the spirits that live with us. ‘To give you form and breath’ seeks to channel portions of that understanding through ‘ground’ objects and manipulations of rhythm as manipulations of time.